Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Justice's place to lay

Only my weird dog would lay with his head propped on a chair rung ;)

It's kind of dark... hard to see.. sorry

Mitchell's new haircut

Mitchell wanted everyone to see his psuedo-buzz cut ;)

Hee wanted it this short... its cute, but takes some time to get used to.

Amanda's Birthday

Amanda opening presents here at home and at the restaurant.

I didn't take pictures of her bike, or dress.,.. oops.

Amanda's Birthday

Here are pictures of Amanda's birthday cake, I will do separate posts to label the pictures.

Love you all

Monday, June 2, 2008


Here are pictures of our landscaping. If it works better to email this to you, let me know. I also added a few pictures of our new door ( which Chris hasn't finished by the way ) ;)

Anything can be moved in the landscaping except the hosta on the left hand corner, I like it there and it does well in the shade. The left side get partial sun because of the tree. The right side including the front and side of the house gets full sun. The little part that is separate I put annuals in. Today I totally cleared out the remainder of the nasty weeds alongside the house. We will be putting in a darker reddish mulch I think. I do have 2 sedums ready to be put in, they are in pots waiting to find a home. Also in the picture of the left hand side is a small plant called a blue fescue and a daylily that is not doing so well there.
Thanks for some ideas. Hopefully I will be successful posting the pictures.
Love you,